
Player Profile

Every player has a Player Profile page. When you are logged into the game, go to your Stables and open your player profile page by clicking this icon: 

The Player Profile includes the following information:

  • Total races
  • Total wins, places, shows
  • Total Cup wins
  • Number of Stables
  • Total bets
  • Total prize money
  • VIP status and days remaining
  • Status of your horse seller license (days remaining)
  • Recent activity including horses sold, horses bought, naming new horses, bets won, horses that have died, breedings, stud activity etc.
  • Hardcore tags for players that have won the Race of Champions

You are also able to view other players profiles by clicking or tapping on their name in the game (race screen, chat, stud farm, market etc.)  If you are viewing another player’s profile, you have the option of sending them a friend request.

Current Horses Tab

The Horses tab shows a list of the current horses in your stable and their current status (e.g. For Sale, at Stud Farm, Race #).

Past horses

Lists your past horses and their total prize money. Click on the horse in the list to view more details.

Past EVO horses

If you have Pedigree 31+ horses that have passed on, they will display in this tab.

Achievements Tab

Lists your current achievements and those yet to be unlocked.  Also displays your last 20 Cup wins.

Changing your profile name or profile picture

It is possible to change your account name or profile picture via the Hooves of Fire website.

After logging into the game, click “Profile Management” from the menu on the right hand side of the game. (or click here if you are already logged in).

This will open the Profile management page where you can choose to modify your in-game account name or profile image within the game.

Please choose carefully and made sure your account name and image to not violate the Rules of Conduct.

It costs 1 Hooves token to change your account name or profile image.

10 thoughts on “Player Profile”

  1. Started this game as a joke and put a dumb username, but love this game. How can I change my username or profile name? I want my name to be my profile name. Thanks.


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